dr in training!

By Anaspanabanana

Tree's up!!

Lovely social day...caught up with a friend who I haven't seen since the summer (even though she lives over the road!), then met Pam my chiropractor for lunch. In between eves dropping on the table next to us, who were clearly involved in some dramatic love affair (there were tears, over indulgent kissing and too much hand holding for it to be anything else!...plus I used to play netball with her and I'm certain her husband looks considerably different from the city slicker she was with!!), we managed to talk all things chiro and life in general. It was great to tune back into the feeling that embarking on this course is definitely the right thing to do....feeling up beat again!
Came home and set to with using all my positive energy to dress the tree...the girls helped. It looks great!! Happy Christmas to all xx

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