
By WhiskyFoxtrot

Back at it...

After my productive day yesterday, I kind of thought going back to work would be good. I felt refreshed after three days off and a fairly short week last week. Yet, when I opened my inbox and calendar and looked at the looming deadlines, that glorious feeling of being capable deserted me.

Thankfully, not for long. I got busy postponing one meeting, extending my apologies for another and got down to what needed to be done. By 10 am I felt normal again and was moving at a slightly more brisk than normal pace. I will be glad when this project is done!

Not many opportunities for photos today. We left the house early to get Dr T started on his journey down south for a lecture he's to give today. He's written an amazing book and is just starting to tell others about it.

I got this shot just asI was arriving back home. I saw these two head out towards the beach and there was something tangibly special about their relationship.

A little time on the beach puts everything back into perspective.

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