
By TheGreenHouse


I went to gran and grandads today and mum and dad went to work but mum came home early to wait for the gas engineer to check the boiler before our tenant moves in. She didn't come till 4pm so papa picked me up and took me to his house to wait for mum and dad. When they came back we went to the dentist, I liked the waiting but when it was time to go in and see the dentist I wasn't happy I said "oh no" at the door, the dentist laughed. I sat on mums knee and wriggled and moaned alot, luckily there was no real tears like at the barbers. When the dentist was finished I say "yay I did it." Dad took me to the waiting room and mum got her teeth checked but halfway through I appeared at the door infloods of tears with the receptionist , dad was tidying away all the toys, and I ended up sitting on mums knee while she was getting her teeth cleaned a very weird experience. Home to an early night and mum said a lesson learned not to book dentist appointments late in the day.

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