
By DancingAly

All Tarted Up and Ready To Go!

All glammed up and ready to dance!

My friend did my hair for me this morning and I love it! I have such thick hair that its hard to make it completely flat, but with half a tube of gel and 2 different sprays, it was sorted in 5 minutes flat! I have no idea how I will be able to do this myself next time either!

We were up by 7 this morning, mostly because I refuse to go to breakfast without my face on! Had the traditional greasy spoon breakfast - not really my thing but I knew it was that or nothing until the evening, so needs must.

We had such a busy day today. Started at 11am and finished about 11pm. I was really nervous this morning but I really loved being out on that floor. We made it to the semi-finals of our 4 dance Latin, which was fab, and meant we got to dance on Saturday evening. We didn't make the final, which was just as well as we would have had to go out and dance in our own, and I think that might be too much for me!

Another perk of tonight was being ID'd at the bar! I did a double take and thought she might be joking, but alas she wasn't! Not bad for a girl who's turning 30 (eek!) in a couple if weeks time!

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