
By wonderlust

Pumpkin Stand Hopping

As promised in yesterday's blip, I did some more pumpkin stand hopping this morning. Along with an array of pumpkins you can find a variety of weird, funky, and silly looking gourds. If I had to name the one in the photo, I would call it an acorn gourd as that is precisely what its shape looks like. I hope my suscribers don't mind the gourd pictures because there is a wealth of blip opportunities to be had at the pumpkin stands. This of course means that I cannot pass up an opportunity that only comes along once a year.

Now, being the young at heart nearly 25 year old that I am, I must return to my Twilight series and finish rereading the books. I'm on the final enstallment so it shouldn't take too long! :-)

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