
By Doingok

Footprints In The Snow

This is the kind of snow I love. Myles and I take our morning constitutional after he has his breakfast and I have my coffee, about 7:00 a.m. He dutifully does what he has to do sniffing the remnants of the creatures that have passed by during the night. He huffs and puffs in indignation. I stop to get the newspaper out of the box and he visits with Charlie, the black lab from next door. Charlie has an electric field to keep him in his own yard, but sometimes he throws caution to the wind and comes to visit. Myles looks like a "Mini Me" of Charlie and is very jealous of any attention Charlie receives. In warmer weather we explore the gardens and yard, but in winter it's all about a job to be done. Later in the day I try to get him out to run and play a little more.

The footprints remind me of what a faithful companion he is. Always willing to go out when I am ready, sitting patiently until that time. Sitting with me all day in my office and all evening wherever I happen to be in the house. Going to his kennel when I have to leave without him and waiting patiently until I get back.

"“The only creatures that are evolved enough to convey pure love are dogs and infants.”
Johnny Depp

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