Life in a Northern Town

By kagsy


I was going to Blip this sunrise over Castle Hill, but I think I already exceeded my sunburst quota this year. So instead, some ICM - I have no idea how to do it, I suspect there is no real skill it's just luck, but anyway, this was the best of a very bad bunch. Plus I got some very strange looks from the regular dog walkers.

Eventful dog walk last night - first of all a bull mastiff dragged its owner across a road to get to Lizzie (whilst being dragged, the owner was shouting to me that the dog weighed 8.5 stones, and he seemed rather proud of having absolutely no control over the beast.). My poor timid and tremulous mutt! So we took a diversion to get away from the werewolf mastiff, and within minutes a car mounted the pavement and missed Lizzie by inches. Despite my shouting very loudly (and with many expletives), they didn't stop. Probably on his/her mobile phone. I was glad to get home with a live dog. Her reaction was to pee on the floor in David's bedroom - he proudly came down to tell me he had cleaned it up with my face flannel and some Lynx.

Christmas song time, and in a shameless attempt to regain ground lost with Bublé, here is some U2.

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