
By Omuraudrey


This is the sun rising as I walk to school. You're probably thinking, "Man, how early does she go to school?!" Well, not that early at all! This was taken at 8:10. 8:10! The sun can't even be seen yet! Terrible! Very hard to get out of bed when it's dark outside.

In June this picture could be taken around 5 AM. And you wonder why I hate winter. Now the sun sets at 5:30 and it's pitch dark by 6. How do people do it? By "it" I mean, not hate winter. Thank goodness we're only two weeks away from the shortest day of the year, then we headed back to the long days of summer. Oh how I do look forward to it.

I realize this isn't a Japan thing- but it's a woes of winter thing. Like cold without snow. Or no insulation.

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