O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree ... AGAIN!

Here it is! Finished. What a relief. I thought I was never going to get it done. Our Christmas tree is a representation of all the places we've lived. We have decorations from Belgrade, Cyprus, Thessalonica (on several visits), London (Harrods), Dubai and of course HK!

The star is especially meaningful as it's from Thessalonica and a friend and I bought the exact same star and we remember each other every year as we put up our stars. This year, Ben let Jon put the star on, as he doesn't get to very often. The youngest in the family gets that honour ... I got a go plenty when I was a kid. Being the youngest rocks!

Tomorrow, a big day indeed. Just been invited to a flash mob at the airport which a friend of mine is performing in. So exciting!!! But lots more to do in preparation for the coffee morning and also tomorrow night is the Peninsula mega gala celebrations.

P.S. May favourite bauble/decoration is in the centre of the tree AND it's pink!!!!

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