
By champignons


Christmas time is in full swing now, with Mr Nut performing in his christmas play today. He looked as grumpy as his mother and I'm not allowed to show you a picture of his lil grumpy face either.

The plot was incomprehesible to me, something about a boy who didn't have a christmas jumper (his mother was too poor to buy one and too busy to make one). I was intrested in that bit. That bit rang true. The angelic intervention didn't occur, and, thank god, neither did the seemingly endless amount of songs about vaguley seasonal things.

Then, seemingly to appease the church (no, I didn't know why it was in the church either, and neither did anyone else I asked) they put a christmas jumper on the baby jesus. And he said thankyou. In song.

Frankly I considered it a punishment for shouting at that song every year that goes 'a child a child/shivers in the cold/let us bring him silver and gold!' and which point i go NO BRING HIM AN EFFING JUMPER and lo, they have.

I almost prefered the version from my childhood where mary whips out a baby from a jumper and that baby grew up to be a magical man who lives far, far away and that is why we celebrate christmas: so he can squeeze his fat arse down my chimney and give me presents. Or something like that; I was fuzzy on the details.

Also today was the day i bring in the tree- i'd got new lights and decorations and tinsel and it was going to be proper posh.. only I'd forgoted to check the tree health and frankly, it's branches arn't green. Operation hide the damage in tinsel was a success if operation KEEP THE ROOM IN DARKNESS is implemented at all times; mr nut hung the baubles leading to all of them bring at nut-arm height and in the front. Operation symetrically applied baubles continues while he sleeps.

He has written his christmas list very carefully. landing han (han solo bird) a new cap gun, a fox hat of his very own, bluey number twoey (cuddley angry bird) and a snow fox to keep foxey company.

I think thats about all the christmas shit for now.

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