Feeding Gulls

This is dedicated to my Blip buddy CraigD...the king of seagulls. He takes some good ones.

It's been many years since we have fed bread to the seagulls. Nowadays, I have mixed thoughts on the practice. BUT...that doesn't mean that I can't snap off a few shots while SOMEBODY else is feeding them.

They are actually quite graceful in the air, hovering and swooping for the air-born bread. But...beach food-eaters beware. I have seen people who are very expressive...that "talk" with their hands...lose their sandwich to a diving gull. I've also seen a young mother (probably a tourist) set up her three kids with lunch (burgers and fries) on a picnic table at the beach. By the time she got back with the drinks...all that was left were some well-fed seagulls, and three frightened kids. It happened so fast that all of us watching...could do just that...watch.

Speaking of eating at the beach...our neighbor down here...Faye...took us out for breakfast at the beach this morning. Pancakes and sausage. Yummy, syrupy, messy, but tasty.

The girls took off and went shopping, and I took a long walk along the gulf. Nothing like the waves crashing to shore, and some shorebirds to liven up a walk. A few other pictures (including the full size seagull pictures) are on my FLICKR PAGE.

P.S. The "frame" is the water in the gulf. D0n't put it into large...because then you'll see that I had trouble staying in the lines. (Some things never change.) It is actually just 6 pictures, with the center one standing alone, and the other 5 are doubles...trying to "balance" the star in the middle.

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