Too little, Too Late!

I'm redesigning the vegetable garden, the idea is to make it smaller and easy to maintain, eight raised beds, of which I can use as many or as few as I wish. I'm putting on wooden edges, weeding, mulching with manure gathered from the donkeys fields and anything else that is to hand, bracken, grass clippings and seaweed. It's hard work but I'm inspired, so much so that I forgot about a blip until the afternoon and by then the light was fading, it was one of those days when it never seemed to get fully light, very dreary and stormy! So all the bird photos I took were out of focus and it was the same with the lichens apart from this one, which is just about okay!
Lichen have always fascinated me, I did my dissertation on them many years ago, our apple trees at home here are covered in them, must resurrect the identification books, I'm rusty!

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