
By Cully

Cully's alternative advent calendar

Behind door number 10: one of the better wrapped presents.

I decided that enough was enough and I needed to start getting ready for Christmas despite the dining room still not being finished. So I decided to wrap.

I love wrapping, I could wrap all day long but this year due to saving money I decided to use up all the bits of wrapping paper I have left from previous years and it's killed me, honestly a feel a little queasy looking at them all. Gold snowman paper next to red snowflake paper sat on top of white and teal tree paper. It looks terrible. When we eventually get round to putting the tree up I don't think they will be going under the tree, they will have to stay in the spare room till the 25th. I do think I have seasonal OCD.

The picture is of Dads present, it is safe to say looking at what is peeping out of the top that he will be happy with his present as he is every year!

Six more presents to arrive and all done.

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