Out early

No time at all to look for a blip today as it should have been my day off from work but I was asked to come in to replace an absent colleague and I also had an errand to run which took up a large part of the afternoon. Fortunately I noticed that the moon was already visible in the sky although it was still light when I went off out to do the latter and I managed to take a couple of photos of it.

The job requires standing and walking around the whole time and I also had to do a lot of walking this afternoon, both of which have not been good for my already somewhat painful right knee and I cannot seem to find a position to sit in which makes it feel less uncomfortable. I'd hoped to be able to give it some rest on my day off but as I already mentioned, that did not happen.

A big thank you for the lovely comments and stars on my sunset blip from yesterday. They are very much appreciated.

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