
By katgirl

Holiday Cheer

I haven't felt much holiday cheer yet this year. My entirely unwelcome lupus started flaring up on Thanksgiving and left me immobile for much of the past week. Poor Cleo has been going stir crazy without our daily walks. She has a lot of energy to expend each day and unfortunately I did not have much to give. I am grateful that today was remarkably better than any day in the last week. I was able to make cookies for Bob's cub scout event, attend a school meeting tonight, and get in 2 walks with Cleo.

This was taken during our evening walk.

As for our holiday preparations, I am getting a dose of Rituxan at the hospital tomorrow and another one on the 20th. I hope the aftermath is less eventful than previous rounds. The goal is to get the Rituxan on board before I relapse fully into hell - in the hopes that it will work better / faster / longer. I hope it works!

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