Kipper Cabin

By KipperCabin

The Truck Light Parade

You know Santa's on his way when two hundred big trucks drive by the end of your road all lit up ... HOOTING!

Bit of a head turner.

The local truck drivers organize it. Anyone with a good size truck and thousands of lights are allowed to join in. They drive for hours ... as truck drivers do. They start down in the harbour, then off they go 'round Ogden Point, along Dallas Road, over Trafalgar Point, across the golf course, through Oak Bay Village ... and that`s when I hear them coming. When I hear them hooting through the village I know it`s time to get down the end of the road with a flask of hot toddy and a sleeve of foam cups. All my neighbours will be there. Two or three of them will actually be waiting for (my flask) me!

I took quite a few frightful snaps. One of them was SOOO out of focus that it looked like one of those massive round lollies on a stick that`s all swirling into a circle ... except it was in the shape of a truck and I almost blipped it but .... achhhh! fuck it, I`m blipping the big lolly truck ....

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