Double Trouble

By HannahSpanner


Aren't they a pair of stunners if I do say so myself!
Our copies of the photo shoot pictures arrived whilst I was out yesterday and I popped to the post office to get them this morning.
I've put all the ones we are giving as gifts into the frames just have to wrap them up now (and buy gift tags have forgotten them three times now!)
These are our we need to get frames for the and decide where to put them. I'm thinking on the wall in the living room behind the sofa.

We made it to mother and baby group in the church. However it was a disaster thanks to Isaac's bowels!!! All I have to say on the matter is that we had left by half 10 and Isaac was half naked (as I hasn't packed spare trousers). Will try again after the holidays hopefully these teeth will be through and the explosive nappies will have done one.

Mr L is looking into other job possibilities so that I may not have to go back to work unless I really have to. He is a little unsure of moving from his current company but they pay absolute rubbish money for what he does compared to other companies . One possibility is a firm that my friend Kate's husband works for which if it comes off it'll be great.
I don't totally want to give up work but I think it would be more if a struggle financially if I do go back. But we will see

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