Laing Charters
I was cataloguing the Laing Charters again this afternoon. Here's the seal from one of the charters. It's the seal of the Bishop of Brechin with the Revd. Anderson's commentary:
Charter of feu-farm by Alexander [Campbell], bishop of Brechin, with consent of the chapter, granting to Charles Dempster of Balronye and Helen Lindesay, his spouse, in conjunct fee, and their heirs-male, the half of the lands of Balronye, Bellehill, the grain-mill of the same, the multures of Brathinch (or Brachinch) and the 'ring beir' used and wont. Confirming also a charter by the deceased John, bishop of Brechin, to the deceased Charles Dempster, father of the present Charles, of the other half of the said lands : To be held of the granter and his successors in feu-farm; paying the sum of £12 annually for each half of the lands, or £24 in all, with duplicand at entry of heirs and other services. Precept of sasine directed to John Oudny. Dated at St. Andrews, 9th December 1566, and signed by the bishop and various members of the chapter. Witnesses, Thomas Buchanan and Robert Incheocht, regents of St. Salvator's College, John Oudny, citizen of Brechin, and Andrew Greiff, notary public.
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