The Blackcountry Man

By brickmaker

Maddi was a Flower....

Mrs BM, Stuart and myself went to Maddison's school play today and I took my 5D with my 70-200 lens with me as I knew we would be near the back.
Maddison was at the back dressed as a flower, she kept waving but it was obvious she couldn't see us as she was waving anywhere but at us. Half way through she came to the front of the stage with the three other flowers and sat as Alice was running around, although she couldn't sit still for a moment.
Right at the end after the Head Teacher had done his speech and the applause had died away Maddison was nearly in tears as she couldn't see us, so Mrs BM and Stuart went to the front of the stage and she then spotted them and was full of smiles once again, we really enjoyed our first play of Maddison's.

Other news is my car has a rather annoying fault that has just appeared, and it is one that I cannot do anything about unless I can plug the car into a Vauxhall Computer, so I have to take it in, more expense I could do without.

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