My days ...My life

By ElspethAnne

Inverness sunrise, Jane and the moonlit hare.

I am happy having arrived home after my 14 hour day. I took this photo before work, as I knew I was going to be inside all day. What a beautiful winter day ! I spent time with a special inspiring lady today who is living with dementia and adjusting in a remarkable way to living in a care setting. It was touching and humbling to share her day today . She was the inspiration in my day and helped me know that my job does on some days make a difference. A long 4 hour drive home and , just as I drove to the top of Carman Hill before the descent into our village, a hare stopped in the middle of the road and sat long enough for me to be delighted , get my camera out of my bag and open the window of the car before disappearing over the hill! So the hare is not my blip photo! I have never seen a hare near home before. A day when energy did last all day. Happy happy :-)

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