Life as we know it...

By EmilyS

Cousin's day

Today we had our weekly cousins day with Jackson, Jordynn, and even Jaden since his school was cancelled. It's so fun to watch all the kids play together, not too mention I get to visit with my sister in law. During our visit today Stefanie got sad when thinking about her mom passing away(aka Grandma Debbie) and Addi was sweet, she says, "I miss Grandma Debbie, too" "I should of brought my picture of her today" to help make her Aunt Stefanie feel better. Lately Addi has been taking a lot Bout Grandma Debbie, and telling us how much she misses her. It's such a hard time to lose someone so close to the holidays :(

Here's Kellen in Addis crown. Not so easy being the little brother of a big sister. He's pretty much at her disposal for doing any sort of dress up. Poor guy.

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