I popped over to the Southbank Christmas market at lunchtime. I was pleased to see that cinnamon bun stall has returned - I missed out last year. Above the piped jingly-jangly Christmas music I heard a thump-thump beat of a heavy electronic tune. Investigating further, I saw this tortuous scene in the darkest corner under Hungerford Bridge. I've no idea what these athletes were up to. There was a scoreboard to the right, so they were competing against each other, and they were being filmed.
It was the last FEAST meeting of the year and our last day with our marvellous co-ordinator, Blanche, who we're going to miss a great deal. She's going to visit us with out family and will be able to do some shopping and chatting without worrying about FEAST bits and pieces. We had a lovely evening, celebrated with pizza and chips.
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