Seaweed Shifting!

This is what happens when you live close to the sea and there are gales! J's track and wild flower meadow were knee deep under seaweed after the storms of last Thursday and Friday so a few of us went over to help her shift it. When we got there it was up to the wheelbarrow, so with racks, forks and hacks we piled it up along the shore edge for a farmer and digger to drag back onto the beach.

It took us the best part of the day, four of us at it and 80 yr old Wendy valiantly collecting and bagging all the bits of plastic, netting and polythene that we came across. Fortified by a lunch of cheeses and home made pickles we cleared a huge area, very satisfying, but we still didn't come across her ladders which had been lying next to the house wall!

Last summer this was the most beautiful wild flower meadow, covered in sea campion and poppies. Fingers crossed it will have survived its sand and seaweed blanket!

Belated thank you to everyone for all the kind comments on my 1400th blip and on yesterday's one too.

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