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By pplnani

Misty Morning

This wasn't taken very early (about 9.45am) but it just looked like a sunrise, I spotted it as I was driving to photo group. This is the photo group that some of you will remember I had lots of problems with one particular member earlier in the year. This member subsequently left along with several others and the group virtually fell apart but a few die-hard members didn't want it to disappear and have finally got their act together to resurrect it. I really used to enjoy this group and was quite pleased to hear it was starting up again but the trouble is when it collapsed I went in search of an alternative and found a choice of two, which I went along to with a view to joining one of them . However, they both offered different things and I enjoyed both of them, so as one was only once a month and the other fortnightly, I decided to join both but now the first one has put a spanner in the works by starting up again, fortnightly on the alternate weeks and offering something different from the other two and I just can't decide between them - three seems like overkill even though I really enjoy photography. I am so bad at making decisions I bet I end up staying at all three :-/

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