
By WhiskyFoxtrot

Same Sky, Different Day

Isn't it funny how much the weather can change in a day? Or change several times in one day? Yesterday we were bathed in glorious light. Today I'm not sure it ever did get light.

You're getting another seaside shot because there wasn't much by way of other photo ops. I went to work, went to a very long meeting, came home, helped a client and then it was dark - properly dark. Hey ho!

By the way, has anybody been by George Square in Glasgow lately? A friend said they had the chair-o-plane ride (also known as the swings). If that's the case, I'm heading to Glasgow. The Star Flyer is ok but the swings rock! Also, I've never been to a Pantomine (oh yes you have!) and Glasgow's got Jack Barrowman asDick Whittington with The Krankies. That sounds too bad to resist.

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