'We are what we do.'

By Hasywell

So proud!

Today has been a day full of the Christmas spirit beginning with all hands on deck to prepare and cook the school Christmas dinner due to our school cook being off poorly. Everyone just mucked in and did what they could to help whether in the kitchen or by giving up their release time. The year 6s were given the responsibility to serve our guests, staff and the younger children and then we served them. Tables were set out differently with spaces for our guests and adults to sit amongst the children. All in all it took an hour from start to finish and all the children were just excellently behaved! It was such a special moment to see the whole school enjoying their Christmas dinner as one big family. This evening was spent enjoying the second performance of the nativity by our youngest class. They were just amazing and so so adorable. It never fails to warm my heart watching them try so hard to remember their lines and sing their songs. They get so excited to see their family and a nativity is just not a nativity without a little mishap or two! I am do lucky to experience this each year and it kind of makes up for the fact that I can't get to see my nieces perform theirs. I am now sat at home, feet up and just feeling so so proud of the Salcombe children and very grateful for a super team! Three beautiful things: Today Both dogs curled up on the sofa with me whilst I type this. A quiet cuppa! One thing to be grateful for: J is out of hospital after passing the 'Stairs and crutches' test and resting at his parents. Looking forward to seeing him on Sunday , hopefully.

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