Wiggly worms

Eurgh.... 5am
Daddy got up to go to work and even though he was dying his best ever tippy toe feet, she woke.

Daddy brought her into our bed and luckily we managed to get about an hour and half snoozing.

Up and breakfast, tried to persuade her to have a snooze before swimming but stripping herself to nothing suggested she had different ideas.

Swimming was good.
Ocado did early drop off, yay!

Spaghetti and meatballs for lunch, she loved it!
Sleepy then headed out with grandma to the Hop Pocket. Very festive there.

Home and then straight to the doctors for my flu jab, I was very brave.
Daddy was home when we got home yay.

Must remember that Charlotte is at nursery in the am and I'm at the hospital.

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