
By HighPike

Retail development

Penrith New Squares development is signalled by this impressive sculpture. It's been about 14 years in development and has been built largely with Sainsbury's money as they now have a supermarket in the town. The shops associated with the New Squares have yet to be fully let.

The whole project faced strong opposition from some and it persists.

One result of this is that there are no signs to the development for drivers in spite of there being lots of free parking. Any visitors arriving by car would not know where it is. Indeed some friends of ours couldn't find it at all.

I assume the thinking is that drivers will not be sidetracked into Sainsbury's, and the new development, but will go to the shops in the town centre. Trouble is parking is difficult if not impossible.

It takes 3 or 4 minutes to walk into the town centre from the New Squares.
A case of cutting off one's nose to spite your face?

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