Footprints in Photos

By AnnaSpanner

Deck the halls with...Buzz Lightyear and Superman

A parcel filled with this awesomeness came today from some family in the USA. I love them. Buzz actually talks, and the Spiderman one plays the theme. Ah, genuinely really made me happy. Ahem, and the kids too of course ;)

Feeling a bit flustered again with all the things Im trying to squeeze into my waking hours. Bumped a few things off todays list onto tomorrows, can't bump them any further so must achieve them tomorrow.

J was off today, but we ran around separately so I've not really seen him yet. Did a little recce in a new area so hopefully get some nice shots there in the future and Im sure the fresh air did me good.

Badge week at swimming. L's first ever certificate. :)

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