Slippery Situation
This juvenile Nankeen Night Heron was finding it a little awkward maneuvering around on the slippery pipe. Was rather hilarious to watch him try and regain his composure and balance.
I still can't get over how many there are roosting and nesting in the zoo grounds. Every time I go up to service Diesel our Tassy Devil, I see a small group of about four or five hanging out in the tree next to her service area. This is one of that group. They do turn into quite stunning birds as they reach maturity.
My car is still not ready and the mechanics at the car yard I think still don't know what is actually wrong with it except that it's something to do with the transfer case. Getting extremely annoyed now and it's approaching the weekend and I know I'll be stuck without a car! I'm going to call them today and demand politely ask for a courtesy car. 5 days is ridiculous!!!
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