I Need Chocolate!

It's been a busy old day today, but the best news is that our daughter is out of hospital and recovering at home with her husband:-) Thank you so much to everyone who sent such kind wishes for her speedy recovery - they obviously worked a treat! I'll be flying down on Sunday to help look after her and make sure she takes it easy for a while, but it's such a relief to know she's now on the mend.

A 50-mile round trip to Carnoustie to have my hair done, driving home through thick fog and rain was not the ideal pre-Christmas treat, but I'm pleased with the hair style! Then it was a marathon cooking session, so that my husband doesn't starve to death for the week I'm away. After our evening meal we had to tackle that lopsided tree (see yesterday's blip!)

The new stand is a great idea and I'm sure it will work easily in future years, but even it wasn't designed to cope with this knobbly, short stump of a trunk on my chosen tree. It took us two hours of wrestling with a fully decorated tree (I refused to strip it and start again!), lifting it out of one holder, sawing some knobbles off and replacing it in the new holder. Strong words might have been said, but directed more at the tree than each other!

However, success was sweet and the tree now stands perfectly straight, even if some of the baubles ended up on the floor and had to be re-hung. So, after a day like this - I need chocolate! The only trouble is - which one?

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