Homework time

Tuesday brought normal sort of school stuff for the Sugar, but my day was a bit different. I had an appointment with my new doctor. It was just a "new patient" appointment, so I wasn't expecting much excitement. We had a lovely chat....and he is delightful, young, and truly handsome. Too bad, I had to tell all the unattractive things about me. (tee hee) Anyhow, he wanted to run some routine bloodwork, which I never enjoy, but that went fine. I did end up with my first EKG, as he mentioned that I had a "funny little heartbeat". That turned out pretty normal, I think. Waiting on the bloodwork now.

I then went to work for a few hours before heading out the school for our usual Tuesday knitting class, and cleaning in the Sugar's classroom. We had several errands to run between that and clay class. Sugar made two clay gingerbread men type things. She had lots of fun.

We headed on home for a quiet night together. She had some homework to do. It was report card day, and it appears that she is doing well.

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