
By grammapat

The Tree Is Up

Another accomplishment. We have the tree up and now that I have a picture in the computer I see areas that I will change, but it's so nice to have this much done. Still have a few more things I will do, then concentrate on baking, Christmas cards, finish some shopping, etc.. A very busy time. I keep telling myself, "don't stress"!! Enjoy all the busyness of this beautiful season. We must remember, we are celebrating the birth of Jesus. The angel on top and the manger scene were purchased in Key West, Florida, our first Christmas there. Our older daughter, then three years old, went shopping with me and picked them out, while dad stayed home with our new little baby girl. She was born on Dec. 6, 1960. The tree has many treasures on it from years past.
The ceramics on the right were painted by "that little baby" a "few" years later!

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