
By AliV

Back to school

Large bottle of lucozade, a Pukka Pad and Bbc radio 5 in the background....I feel like I am back at uni! I sort of am....doing some pre course prep for a course I am going on next week. Having never sat formal exams during all my uni life Im a bit aprehensive. But hoping the geek in me thrives and it isnt as hard as i am expecting! Hoping to treat myself to some Christmas themed stationery this weekend to make it more festive :)

I took lots of nice pictures yesterday but my phone battery died before I had a chance to blip. How do I backdate blip?

A lovely half day yesterday wandering around Glasgow soaking up some festive joy. Choirs singing and visiting lots of shops I can never afford or justify....but made the most of free samples and wee skooshes of perfume as I went! A great night in the pub last night where me and mr v were roped into the pub quiz. It was hard!!! We were last. But we had fun and merriment knowing we were both off today.

A massage as a wee treat to myself this morning (still using up birthday vouchers) and a wee study afternoon today, maybe a nap!, then the work Christmas night out. Should probably decide what to wear! Looking forward to it :)

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