My Magic Kingdom

By HRHCinderella

Beaded Art

A gift for a sick friend.

Last week it was this friend that we were anxious about the night Madiba died. He had a bad day and we were concerned that his health seemed to be deteriorating very quickly. I remember feeling uneasy all day but the next morning we woke to the news that Madiba had passed away. I am pleased to report that our friend has picked up and is doing much better this week. He is fighting lung cancer but it seems to have spread to other parts of his body now. He is a real fighter and won't give in yet!

South Africans have been on a roller coaster for a week now. At first people responded to Nelson Mandela's death by celebrating his life and legacy. But as the week went on the mood has changed and people are now quiet and reflective. My memories of the last three days have focused on Mandla Mandela. Madiba's grandson has spent every day sitting next to the coffin as Madiba lies in state and thousands of people file past to pay their last respects. It must be a harrowing ordeal for him and I am sure tonight he is relieved that it is over. There is still the funeral on Sunday but finally the public are being pushed to the side and the family can now start to grieve in private.

We knew this day was coming but never realised the impact it would have around the world.

Let us continue the MADIBA MAGIC.
Its in our hands.
CHANGE, it starts with Me!

Here are some more thoughts about this week.

I feel blessed to have lived in the Mandela era.

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