Just the Withers......

By JaneW

Early morning ...

As soon as I get out of bed Buffy hops into my place .. She's so funny how she waits or rather lurks ...

I am EXHAUSTED ! A frog march to our local cinema in town with the year 1s,2s and 3s ... That's two classes of each year group .. We went to watch A Muppet Christmas Carol which I just adore .. For me it is Michael Caines best role ever as to be fair he's not much of an actor is he.... Mind you he seems quite nice on chat shows.
I only got nasty once on the way down with a shitty cyclist who unlike the cars who waited patiently for us ALL to cross he tried to weave in and out ... HE is the sort who give cyclists a bad name .. I may have been rude to him ... I hope I ruined his morning .. Dick head.
In the meantime our boiler at home packed up ...
Home after cinema and take pooches out leaving Jerry at my house ....
Back home again and I was going to have a lie down but puppy wanted to play .. I am a slave to that little dog !!!!
Oh then very badly behaved boiler man turned up and poked my fan and the boiler sprang back into life ...
I best do a link for his lordship the fixer of boilers or he may not turn up on a whim for us (I best explain we do know him and he is very good .. You local people may be needing his services you never know )

cheeky Jon D ...

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