Gaia's Child

By maura143

There's No Place Like Gnome

Squirrel Conditioning 101.
So here's the deal...position Cute Yard Art in a Much Loved By Squirrels' Area of the yard. Broadcast peanuts around fore mentioned YA, in this case a Yard Gnome. Make
enticing mouth sounds...Squirrels eventually happen by and are AMAZED that their favorite food is just...there for the taking. Repeat this little exercise daily. Within three days minutes the Squirrels will definitely get the picture! Now when you call... they come scampering!

Position camera on tripod a Safe distance away 'cause Squirrels are not always so Predictable when it comes to Free Peanuts! Balance peanuts on YG and/or tape peanut to YG...wait for Squirrel Action! Make sure your camera is set on multiple shots and at a fast enough speed to catch all that silly Squirrel on YG Action! If you haven't tried this, you should give it a go! :)

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