Glory is fleeting

By mskitty

Illicit tree!

Met up with Brenda today to drive out to New Hopetoun garden centre to buy a Christmas tree AND to try to find some foliage in the hedgerows of West Lothian's wee back roads that I could use to make Christmas wreaths at the weekend.
The new New Hopetoun trees were lovely and also the cheapest I've seen, BUT, before we got to the garden centre..............
We'd been gathering some holly at the side of a country lane when I spotted a huge fir tree that had been blown over in the recent high winds. I thought we'd be able to cut off some branches to use on the wreaths, but when we got closer to the tree we discovered that there was no need to cut branches off - lots and lots of them had been broken when the tree fell over, so we were able to simply pick up really nice bits of greenery from the ground.
I went to lift up one particularly big looking branch, and when I pulled it up I saw that I was holding a 6ft Christmas tree in my hand. At first I couldn't believe that a 'branch' was such a perfect shape, but then realised that it must have been a small tree knocked over by the force of the big one. (Well at least that's what I think must have happened?)
I firmly believe that no one would EVER have found that small tree under the big tree on that deserted country road so I had no qualms about just taking it. This was all found at the side of the road - the tree was already snapped at the base - no sign off roots - so it doesn't feel like we stole it.
But with the tree safely stowed away in the back of the car I didn't feel the need to buy one at the garden centre! But it'll be the first place I go next Christmas because I will never, ever, ever stumble across a tree like this again.

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