Mo's picture story

By jettygirlx


Newspapers, Review sections, Magazines, websites and blogs are currently crammed with their annual 'Best of 2013" lists, their "My Book of the Year" etc etc and on ad boring infinitum! Usually I ignore them , but today is an exception.

A fifty year old novel, previously very low profile, was being mightily punted by Waterstones a couple of months back when I was assuaging my guilt by actually buying as opposed to 'showrooming'. I bought it and laid it aside. Last week, I read it! It is absolutely wonderful. If you like a novel to be about character and style; if you want to relish detailed observation of humanity with its faults and frailties; if you don't have to have end of chapter 'hooks' and heroes falling out of a helicopter over the Tiber before clambering out and running to the vatican .... this is for you.

It's Julian Barnes fave of the year, probably as much for the beautiful style as for William Stoner. I loved it too.

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