
By Houseonahill6

Baboushka. Baboushka

This is one of my Matryodhka dolls, a Russian nesting doll sometimes called a Baboushka. Mike had a company meeting in Russia a few years ago and he always brings back bits and pieces from his travels. I was lucky enough to get a couple of Matryodhka dolls, fortunately all tasteful, no nesting Gorbachevs etc. This one has a total of 10 little dolls all painted differently.

Baboushka is Russian for Grandmother or old woman and there is a folk tale all about one particular Baboushka :)

Baboushka lived on the outskirts of a town in Russia. She lived alone with only the animals and birds for company which she loved to feed. She did offer travellers a place to rest as they past by.
She was very house proud and had the cleanest and tidiest house you would ever see.
One Night a bright star was seen in the sky. Everyone was outside admiring the wonderful star all except Baboushka who was too busy dusting.
There was a knock on the door and three weary travellers asked for a place to rest. Baboushka flew open the door and fed the men with delicious soup and bread.
They spoke about the star saying it was a sign that a new king had been born, a king of peace and they were taking gifts to him the following morning. Baboushka wanted to go along too but had slept so soundly after all her hard work that when she woke the three Wise men had left already.
To this day Baboushka is still looking for the boy King with a basket full of toys in her hand which she gives to any small child she meets. Every Christmas Eve she visits each child in Russia and leaves a gift.

Todays Yule Lad is Stubby. He is small and also known as the Pan Scraper because he would try and grab food from the frying pan especially the bits that were stuck to the sides :)

Wild and windy outside !

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