
By Tealuke


Sorry for the gap this week, I suddenly realised that it was about to be my second anniversary and wanted to plan a special photo. I was thinking of some sort of rooftop shot at sunrise. However, my grandma died last week so I thought I'd do something at the funeral in memory of her. But on the day I didn't feel like taking photos. At the funeral I had a reading to do (Ephesians 6:10-11,14-18), which I managed to do although my voice was cracking at the end. My uncle did a great job of the tribute, with barely a shake in his voice throughout. So instead here is something that represents the past that I saw on my way home.

Thanks to everyone for comments, tips, and inspiration. I have to try harder now I love in England rather than Japan, so I'm resolving to improve.

Some favourites since 500:

Umbrella/Gas Mask

Driving Dog


Fireworks and Kimono

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