Oh Boy!

It was quite a nice sky this morning.

Had to nip out to the local garden centre this morning to get a new tree decoration for Bags as they found squirrels one was broken.
So I tried some shots in the aquatic section.
Sleeping With The Fishes was probably the best - I had on completely the wrong lens ........ or maybe it is just I am not au fait with the camera yet.

There was a big family get together this afternoon for the mother-in-laws 80th birthday........... including her son who came over from Washington.
Both the kids pretended to be shy for quite a long time.
Squirrel was the one who loosened up the most by the end and made freinds with everyone ............. or tried to. That dog has the patience of a saint.

So the monsters were exhausted when they went to bed.
Hopefully they will have a good nights sleep (since we are staying overnight whilst Mum and Dad are away to a fancy hotel for his works night out.
We also have t get them to Falkirk for a swimming lesson in the morning (don't ask why Falkirk ..... it is a long story).

So I am having an early night.

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