Good Decision
Was supposed to be out on The Shamrock today, a small trawler but was asked during the week to do photos at an old folks party in St Francis Hospice where my late wife was comforted in her latter days.... A good decision to accept the request.... The seas were wild and dangerous for the trip planned and it's great when you are offered the opportunity to give some overdue payback....
Didn't feel the best walking through the doors I last entered pushing my late wife in a wheelchair...and it all came flooding back....but time is a great healer so despite myself I enjoyed the day thoroughly. Managed to sort the photos and videos, do a slide show for the organizers, An Garda Síochána (Police force or literally "Guardians of the Peace) for collection in the morning.
Feeling drained after the emotions of the day but now looking forward to the weekend storms on the beach tomorrow.....Life moves relentlessly on...regardless...just saying
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