It's A Minute To Midnight

By Draco


Isn't time a strange thing if you really think about it?
Most of the time we have too little........ sometimes we have to wait and wait and wait!
We are all on a constant time line of life.
Boy I'm getting deep aren't I?

Ok scratch that .. I've wanted to try this for a while but had to fumble my way through very late tonight to get the result I was after. Hence its after midnight and blip only now going on!

The Pocket Watch was bought for me by my parents two years ago. I simply adore Pocket Watches. This one has all the workings on display and its utterly beautiful!

My cough is improving and thanks to mum I've had a good roast dinner and had about 7 hours sleep last night!

Off out with the irrepressibly lovely PaulaK tomorrow ;-))

So a decent blip too hopefully. However her thoughts must have been on other things today as here is her blip ;-)))

Draco The Time Flying Dragon xx

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