blipping submarine?...


“I find myself wondering how many other memories are hidden from me in the recesses of my own brain; indeed my own brain will seem to be the last great terra incognita, and I will be filled with wonder at the prospect of some day discovering new worlds there. Imagine the lost continent of Atlantis and all the submerged islands of childhood right there waiting to be found. The inner space we have never adequately explored. The worlds within worlds within worlds. And the marvelous thing is that they are waiting for us. If we fail to discover them, it is only because we haven't yet built the right vehicle - spaceship or submarine or poem ** - which will take us to them.
It's for this, partly, that I write **. How can I know what I think unless I see what I write ** My writing ** is the submarine or spaceship which takes me to the unknown worlds within my head. And the adventure is endless and inexhaustible. If I learn to build the right vehicle, then I can discover even more territories. And each new poem ** is a new vehicle, designed to delve a little deeper (or fly a little higher) than the one before.”

Erica Jong

(i wish i could say the same about my blipping...not much discovery...has my blipping adventure ended?...)

**blip, blipping, blippo, blipis, blippit


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