A time for everything

By turnx3

Decked out for the season

I went into Fontainebleau this morning to look around the market - I was particularly looking for a nice red scarf for the Christmas season. It wasn't quite as cold this morning as it has been earlier in the week, and I'm sure the stall holders must have been grateful for that. It can't be an easy life being a market stall holder in winter - getting up at some unearthly hour in the morning to set up, while its still dark, often bitterly cold and most other people are still tucked up in their nice warm beds! And then they're basically just standing around in the cold all morning. I was successful with my purchases, so then decided to go have a look in the English bookshop which I had heard about but not yet been in. I treated myself to a couple of books, then continued on to Rue des Sablons, a pedestrian street which was looking quite festive, particularly this florist shop. After lunch, I finally got going with the Christmas cards - I'm just so late with everything this year. Spending the week in the States for Thanksgiving didnt help, especially as Thanksgiving fell late this year, but naturally I don't begrudge time spent with the kids!

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