Life in a Northern Town

By kagsy

Statue of Me

We have been to the Christmas Adventure in Wetherby - then I had an uncontrollable urge to colour pop this - couldn't help myself.

After the South Bank Christmas market, Winter Wonderland in Hyde Park, Narnia at Chatsworth and now this I feel a bit Christmassed out. And there's still 10 days to go.

My son has agreed to be seen in public with me and we are shortly off to see the new Hunger Games film - woo hoo! I am not sure if going to the cinema in the dark, several weeks after the film came out, to be absolutely sure there's no danger of seeing any of his mates there is strictly being seen in public with his mother, but I'm not arguing.

I have decided that the best Christmas songs are the melancholy ones. Everyone loves this one.

Edit - it transpires I have to drive to Leeds as the cinema in Huddersfield is too risky.

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