Four steps beyond "Dreich" = ?
"A bit Clashy".
Some bloody hound's nicked Catbells!
"They" informed us that the Cafe near the "Theatre by the lake" was scheduled to be rubbed out and drawn afresh. (Over winter)
Gaffer decided it might be an idea, since I'm into before/after things, to nip out and "shoot" it.
First thing we saw in town was piled of dead market stalls, several damaged by wind, said one of the local "Lions" blokes. At £800 "per throw" it'll be expensive replacing/repairing them.
Drove as close as poss and toddled down to a point where I could get a shot. It occurred to me that ...
A ) I was within spitting distance of Derwentwater.
B ) There was not a soul in sight.
I have never, ever, ever, ever ... seen the lake devoid of all life, other than avian, at 13:37 before. And, I fervently hope, never again.
To put the degree of clashiness into perspective: I recorded 0.80" of rain twixt breakfast and the wind abating at about 16:00(ish).
Not, quite, the same angle: but it "otter" look like this.
Or even this.
But not like this.
I did a search for "Catbells", and you'd be surprised by
A ) How often it crops up.
B ) How often it's "a wee bit dreich".
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