Interesting fact about the Wainwright books

I realise that if you don't know or use Wainwright's Pictorial Guides this interesting fact may be of no interest whatever to you. Feel free to stop reading!
When our Wainwright in colour picture ( Blipped on the 12th) arrived, Andy Beck explained that his paintings were based on the original editions of Wainwright's books but if we compared it with the Chris Jesty edition we would find there were only two drawings. Sure enough the original section on Burnbank is six pages; the new one only four. ( You may have to go large to see that the left hand pages are the same in the two books but the right hand ones different.)
What has happened? Well, as you probably know, Wainwright had a rather liberal attitude to private property and a number of his routes crossed private land. When Jesty did his revisions some land-owners asked for routes to be omitted. That is what has happened with the route up Burnbank from Lamplugh. Jesty says in his introduction to Western Fells that routes up Gravel and Fellbarrow have also been removed. Check your Wainwrights!

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