A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley


Despite everyone being a little tired it was another busy morning with Carlos taking J off playing football and Anna's dance show and Christmas party at her dance and theatre school. Anna was a little nervous about a ballet demonstration she was involved in so distracted herself with baking cakes. The first time she has done absolutely everything herself and it was rather lovely to watch her pootling around the kitchen with such confidence.

This cheeky shot was taken during a medley of songs from Bugsy Malone, their next production.

Once everyone was back home the afternoon was declared Total Freedom to Do Anything You Want. I don't know what it says about our parenting but took J a while to accept there really wasn't a catch. We all did pretty well: J played in the garden, on the Wii and the computer; A watched tv and made an enchanted forest out of cushions and music stands, I had a fabulously, luxuriously lengthy afternoon nap and Carlos had a trip to the pub with his physics book.

We regrouped for dinner and some Modern Family before the kids went to bed. And now we have some Homeland to catch up on.

I'm definitely going to want another day of this weekend...

Lesley x

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